Number 5

Cold Gazpacho Soup | How Do You Live?

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What’s Cookin? Cold Gazpacho Soup
Hot Topic: How Do You Live?

Sports Performance Anxiety (Part 2)

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When You’re Feeling Anxious Try Stomping Your Feet On The Ground
Meditation Is Designed To Alter A State Of Attentiveness To A State Of Unfocused Attention
Humor Boosts The Immune System And Helps Relieve Stress And Nervous Tension
Deliberately Think Of Something Else If You’re Over Thinking Your Performance

Sifu Lamar Davis: Hardcore Jeet Kune Do

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Sifu Lamar M. Davis II is the Head Instructor at Hardcore Jeet Kune Do Academy in Oneonta, Alabama, where he teaches group classes, monthly seminars and training camps. Lamar started training in martial arts at the age of ten. 50 years later he is now recognised as the founder of Hardcore Jeet June Do, which is his total approach to teaching Bruce Lee’s methods.

Melatonin: Brain Bio-Antioxidant

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Melatonin is Produced in the Pineal Gland from the Neurotransmitter Serotonin
Melatonin is Released into the Bloodstream in the Absence of Light
Melatonin Synchronizes the Entire Hormone Cascade From Within the Brain
Melatonin is a Safe and Highly Practical Cost-Effective Dietary Supplement

Lettuce Wraps | Self Sabotaging, Positive Affirmations & Good One Liners!

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What’s Cookin? Lettuce Wraps
Hot Topic: Self Sabotaging, Positive Affirmations & Good One Liners!

Helen Saul Case: Orthomolecular Nutrition

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Helen Saul Case is the author of The Vitamin Cure for Women's Health Problems, Vitamins & Pregnancy: The Real Story, Orthomolecular Nutrition for Everyone and coauthor of Vegetable Juicing for Everyone. She is also featured in the 2016 documentary called ‘That Vitamin Movie’.

Homemade Frozen Popsicles & Bullies

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What’s Cookin? Homemade Frozen Popsicles
Hot Topic: Bullies

PSN No. 33: Nutrition Myths

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A Myth Is A Widely Held But False Notion
On Average Human Knowledge Is Doubling Every 13 Months
Much Of What Many Believe About Nutrition Is A Distortion Of Science
False Beliefs And False Assumptions Have A Huge Downside

Dr. Aubrey de Grey: Biomedical Gerontologist

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Dr. Aubrey de Grey is a biomedical gerontologist based in Cambridge, UK and Mountain View, California. He received his BA and PhD from the University of Cambridge in 1985 and 2000 respectively.

George Tausan CSNA: Building A New Certification Program

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George Tausan has been involved in the fitness industry for the last 12 years. A constant desire and determination to improve the skills necessary to educate others and improve people’s quality of life have garnished him much success in the health and wellness community.


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