CSNA Student Dissertation
Student Dissertation
After reading through all ten of the CSNA study modules and completing all of the student self-test assignments online, each student is required to write a final dissertation (a formal treatise or thesis) and submit the results of a personal fitness assessment. Students may take as long as they wish to complete this assignment. There is no time limit for completion.
The CSNA student dissertation is your Final Exam and must be submitted by email to CHI for marking before a passing grade and CSNA Certificate of Graduation from the Institute is granted. The student dissertation is in digital format and will be sent to you by email after a personal consultation with Dr. Holly.
After completing and submitting all ten student self-test module assignments, the Institute will contact you to make an appointment with Dr. Holly for a telephone consultation. During this consultation Dr. Holly will go through the student dissertation requirements, explain the format and technical procedure for its completion, and answer any questions you may have.
CSNA Student Dissertation Guidelines 2024
There are ten essay topics displayed throughout your digital dissertation followed by an electronic field where you can type in your response. In your own words with reference to each topic title do your best to fulfill the requirements for each title as outlined. Student response for each title is limited by the digital field space provided under each title.
Summary of Dissertation Essay Topics
- CHI Prime Directive
- Costanza Principle
- Nutrition & Exercise
- Optimum Health Defined
- Exercise, Sport & Physical Activity
- Personal Dietary Strategy
- Personal Vitamin Program
- The Struggle for Compliance
- Body Type Profile
- Student Declaration
Fitness Assessment
The fitness assessment must be performed by an authorized fitness assessment facility or fitness professional recognized by the Institute. Your personal fitness assessment must include the following 5 [five] mandatory test components:
1) Body composition analysis (BMI calculation alone is not acceptable)
2) VO2 Max (direct ml/kg/min measurement or indirect calculation based on Submaximal Aerobic Test)
3) Muscle strength (more weight, lower repetition exertion)
4) Muscle endurance (less weight, higher repetition exertion)
5) Flexibility
At the discretion of the testing facility or assessment technician, your personal fitness assessment may also include an assessment of such variables as blood pressure, resting heart rate or gait, but it MUST INCLUDE the five mandatory components listed above.
The outcome of the test is a not measure of passing or failing the course.
It is the completion and submission of the fitness test itself that is required to pass the CSNA education program. Your personal body composition, physical condition and capacity to perform the test will be revealed, but how well you perform (although relative to your state of health) is not the primary objective of the assessment for this course.
Fitness assessments are commonly performed at recreation centers, personal training studios, private fitness facilities, Universities and some Colleges. The student must locate a facility or professional to perform the assessment as a function of the final exam challenge. Students may not test themselves. The assessment must be independent and performed by a third party to retain the scientific objectivity of the exam and eliminate any possibility of bias.
Fitness Assessment Sample 1
Fitness Assessment Sample 2
Fitness Assessment Sample 3
Fitness Assessment Sample 4
Fitness assessment Sample 5
Dissertation Requirements & Standards
The completed dissertation in the original digital format sent by email to the student, and the fitness assessment in the format provided by the fitness examiner, must be sent by email to CHI for marking and review. If any essay is deemed incomplete or missing after an initial review before being accepted for marking, or if any of the dissertation components are missing, the dissertation will be returned as incomplete. CSNA students have the opportunity to complete the dissertation as required as many times as necessary until all the required standards are met. This applies to all CSNA students.
After the student dissertation and fitness assessment are received by CHI in the format required and approved for marking, the student will receive an email to confirm that all the requirements have been met. Next Dr. Holly will review and mark the student dissertation and fitness assessment, which typically takes 1-2 weeks. When this process is complete the student will need to be available for a final Skype interview with Dr. Holly, to discuss and review their dissertation and fitness assessment, and answer some final test questions.
Final Dissertation Video Interview (face-to-face)
Skype, Messenger or Zoom. Facebook users can utilize video calling on Messenger. If you use Facebook please send a request to Cory Holly (search Facebook). Alternatively, if you currently use Skype please invite CHI to join your Skype contact list in advance of the scheduled interview. If you do not have Skype, please visit www.Skype.com and follow the procedure for downloading the free software. Skype to Skype calls are free to any member worldwide. CHI Skype name: chinstitute
After this interview, the student will receive their final marked dissertation, fitness assessment and Certificate of Graduation by email. The CSNA education program is now complete, certification is secured, and the student now qualifies for enrollment in the CSNA Masters Program if they so desire.
Upon successful completion of the entire program the Institute will provide each student a CSNA Certificate of Graduation bearing their name and the designation of Certified Sports Nutrition Advisor (CSNA). CSNA student graduates are legally eligible to use the acronym of CSNA as a CHI approved and copy written designation after their name. Students who have not completed the entire CSNA Education Program including all of the student certification requirements may not use CSNA as a designation.
The student is now eligible for enrollment in the...