What Women Want

To be a disciplined woman in the year 2021 is a very powerful concept. To resist the temptations of your environment, to have strong control and higher expectations of yourself above mediocrity and to have the will not to “go with the flow”, is truly a rebel stature in our North American lifestyle.

I don’t think that anyone would refute the fact that energy output = energy input. Life is energy, isn’t that what women want? All life arises out of choice. Making the right choices in the right combination create a positive balance of energy. Sounds easy in the written word, but a true metamorphosis is the most profound challenge and worthwhile undertaking that life has to offer. And the benefits are not only self-directed, they rebound to children, family, friends and colleagues; even a mere stranger can be positively affected.

Let’s start our journey with a trip to the health food store. There are so many fantastic products on the market today that can enhance athletic performance, stamina, attitude, beauty, and the list goes on…I find the blender to be a key component in my choice making when I purchase products.

I begin and end my day with a whey protein shake. I find this helps me to stay lean, keep my energy level up and believe it or not, it really helps to curb my sweet tooth. I sleep better at night and have a more positive outlook in life. I add omega-3 rich seed oils to my whey protein shakes. Udo says “take as much oil until your skin feels soft” and I must say I have soft skin and my joints also appreciate the essential fatty acids.

I also add glutamine powder to my shakes. This boosts my immune system, helps support wound healing and fights infection. Glutamine relieves muscle soreness and I believe it helps me to think more clearly. Ribose is amazing for recovery and ATP replenishment. Spirulina is alkaline, rich is chlorophyll and magnesium, and adds more "spunk" to my blood and energy systems.

Another component I really like is creatine monohydrate. It is proven beyond "belief" or faith. Over 1000 scientific articles verify its safety and elegance as a sports nutrition staple for men, women and children. Many woman think this is a “guy thing”, but trust me ladies, woman can benefit greatly from this product, especially if energy, power and added strength are something you desire.


Ladies “Lean’n’Mean” Shake

Ingredients Amount
Whey Protein Isolate / Hemp Protein 1 scoop (30g) of each
Clean Filtered Water 1 cup (250ml)
Hemp, Chia or Flax Seed Oil 1-2 Tablespoons
L-Glutamine powder 1 tsp. (5g)
D-Ribose powder 1 tsp. (5g)
Spirulina powder 1 tsp. (5g)
HMB powder 1 tsp. (5g)
Creatine Monohydrate powder (micronized) 1/2-1 tsp. (3-5g) post-workout only
Favorite fresh/frozen fruit 1/2-1 cup

Now don’t forget, part of this discipline includes aerobic training for the heart and lungs, stretching for the spine and weight-bearing exercise for the bones, joints and muscles. A well-toned shapely body that you can be proud of, will definitely give a woman what she wants.

Photo by Sarah Pflug from Burst

Every Day's a Holly-Day!

