Module Ten: Screening and Diagnostic Tools

Module Ten provides a clinical perspective on the merging science and practice of therapeutic sports nutrition. Rather than treating disease and chronic illness, clinical sports nutrition provides health conscious individuals and athletes with the professional support and guidance they need to enhance wellness, strengthen immune response, improve recovery or develop muscle and athletic skill for the purpose of improving performance.

In this module, ten primary analytical procedures are reviewed that may be utilized to assist active people in their quest for ideal body composition and optimum health. These include fitness assessment, body & blood type, hair analysis, blood chemistry, urine & saliva pH, thyroid function assessment, chiropractic examination, a review of exercise & training protocol, detailed dietary analysis and an examination of medication, recreational drugs, doping agents & NHPs.

Special emphasis is given to the science and function of body composition analysis as the outcome of this assessment can be used to determine the optimal quantity of many sports supplements with precision, gauge the success of any fat reduction program or notify clients and athletes of any apparent health risks.

Learning how and why various screening and diagnostic tools are utilized in clinical sports nutrition helps both the client and advisor/teacher/practitioner attain and maintain a state of optimum physical, mental and emotional health. Module Ten concludes with a section devoted to life extension and healthy aging. Topics include the science of living well, lifespan, life expectancy, health span, stem cell therapy, telomere research, calorie restriction, neuroplasticity and blue zone philosophy.

Module Ten Table of Contents
Module Ten Course Excerpt

CSNA Module Ten Video

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