Module Eight: Performance Enhancing Drugs

All drugs have side-effects, but at what cost to our health and wellness? In this module, we not only examine what the drugs are and how they work, but compare them to natural drug alternatives. Natural health products (NHPs) can support the process of building strength, power and speed without side-effects and reduce the catabolic action of stress and cortisol. A discussion paper by the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) on supplements and sport is presented for review as well as the Olympic Movement Anti-Doping Code and the CCES Drug Classification Booklet.

We will survey the available data on anabolic steroids and consider why they are used and in what capacity. We will also analyze their pharmacological value, and consider the legal aspects of their possession and distribution, the dark side of their use and why drug testing in competitive sport often fails to identify their presence.

Studying Module Eight will help you understand why testosterone, diuretics, beta-boosters, speed, growth hormone, erythropoietin and a grab bag of popular ergogenic drugs are so prevalent in sport. Many athletes also use recreational drugs without a complete understanding of their pharmacology, therefore, an objective examination is provided that describes the use of caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, cocaine and ecstasy.

Our focus is on the prevention of damage; thus, we investigate the chemistry of these substances in the body, while acknowledging their effects and possible adverse influence on human health and performance. We look at the problem of drug abuse vs. casual use, the psychology of drug addiction and dependency, social values and the impact of holistic education. Above all, the reader is challenged to consider the form, quality and long-term effects of anything consumed, be it food, a natural supplement or a drug.

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