Holly-Day Diet Advice

What can people do to improve their festive diet? The solution to pollution is dilution. Drink clean filtered water. How much? 30ml (1 fluid ounce) per kilogram of lean body mass (total bodyweight less bodyfat). Next. The acronym for D.I.E.T is Discipline in Energy Transfer. Discipline. Do you have any?

The function of food biologically is to transfer energy and essential micronutrients into the cells of the body to sustain life. Keep the low-fat, lean protein up and energy rich low-water volume, dense carbs like potatoes, yams, pasta, bread, bagels, muffins, etc.. down on the plate. This will help stabilize blood sugar and insulin. Stability reduces cravings and makes you feel content. A sharp rise in glucose and insulin after consuming excess carbs encourages fat deposition around the gut and inflammation throughout the body.

Eat more high-water volume vegetables like Brussels sprouts, broccoli, green beans, steamed kale, etc…

Avoid second helpings. Make it a rule. Choose with your left brain (not taste buds only) and take your time eating. Think long-term (cause and effect).

Don’t stop training over the holidays, exercise everyday to stabilize your mind and body. People who stop exercise training tend to slacken up when it comes to diet. They also shape up the diet as they work hard to shape up their body.

How can people successfully change their eating habits for the New Year?

Throw the “New Year’s Resolution” concept out the window. It’s an outdated, useless paradigm. The earth isn’t flat or the center of the known universe. Check your premise or foundation of values. Start now. Start eating well now.

There’s plenty of good natural wholesome food at Xmas time. If the food in question is advertized on TV don’t eat it. Food advertized on TV is toxic and created for profit only. If the food wasn’t around 500 years ago don’t eat it.

Use logic and reason in advance. Preventive medicine. Think about what you’re going to do and what you’re actually doing when you’re doing it. Control your behaviour. What’s your game plan? If you don’t have a plan why not? Failing to plan is planning to fail. Trying is lying. Who are you trying to kid?

First, people have to want to change, but Aristotle, the father of logic, said that "wanting something no matter what it is or how much you want it, isn’t enough." You have to do the work required to achieve the goal, but you still need a goal.

Motivation is a function of incentive, desire or necessity. For most of us we have to change how we live and eat for the sake of necessity. Do it now or die sooner than later. Disease and premature death is real.

Knowledge must be gained by research, course study, reading and audio listening. A genuine “Health Consciousness” is developed over time. It’s a philosophy. Freedom comes when the desire to cheat doesn’t exist. Why aren’t you tempted to eat food you dislike? Why are you tempted to eat food you love? What’s the difference? Rationalize it in your mind.

Form new habits over time. Start slowly. Be diligent and consistent. Be prepared for challenge. Old habits die hard. Delete old destructive habits willingly, introduce new constructive ones willingly. Use functional outcome to determine if something is good or bad or the process is working to your benefit. If the effects (outcome) of a habit are negative, the cause must be negative. Identify the cause. Eliminate the cause or manage it more effectively

Should people try a New Year’s diet?

Absolutely not! Why not? The concept is illogical, irrational and ridiculous. It’s a fabric of marketing hype, it’s all made up. The concept doesn’t work (except for those who market it on behalf of greedy corporations). How do we know it doesn’t work? It’s called evidence. Each year millions of people worldwide try to change and fail, yet they keep trying and failing year after year. Check your own personal history.

Compare your formula to the Equation of Health H = (nf)²

H = Health (Outstanding functional health)
n = nutrition (optimum real food)
f = fitness (correct exercise)

If we take the product of nutrition and fitness (n x f) and square that value (nf)², we get optimum health.

The definition of insanity applies to the notion of trying a New Year’s diet.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” ~ Albert Einstein

Don’t base your diet on the time of year, base it on science and biology (truth and reality). The time of the year has nothing to do with who we are or our biological needs and biochemistry. Emotionalism instead of reason drives most people to do what they do. "Emotionalism by error or invasion" ~ Ayn Rand

Analyze where you’re at, look for ways to improve. Use science as a guide, not mysticism or superstition. Move forward. Demonstrate progress in your life.

Lieutenant Commander Data: “What does it mean to be human?”
Jean-Luc Picard: “To make progress”

Any tips for avoiding unnecessary calories?

What’s a calorie? A unit of heat, the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water one degree centigrade. That science works predictably in a bomb calorimeter but not in a human body. Too many other variables.

Counting calories is old school. New school is counting quality of food. Is the food biologically and genomically compatible with human DNA?

Don’t put too much food on your plate at one time. Take your time. Is this your last meal? Is the world going to end tonight? Relax.

Our culture suffers with Hurry Sickness. "The reason we’re ill is because we’re never still" ~ Paracelsus

Eat small courses more frequently. Each time you eat you thermogize, you stimulate your metabolism to burn (oxidize) energy more efficiently.

Pick and choose your food (be choosy) like choosing a house to buy or a mate to marry. Don’t settle for second best. You get what you ask for. You get what you settle for.

Go for a medley of food colors, avoid white food (except turkey breast, halibut, cauliflower, white onions and egg whites).

Avoid gravy, dressing and mashed potatoes.

Don’t snack before mealtime. Hydrate between meals. Don’t drink with meals.

Tomorrow’s another day. Slow down, take your time.

Chew slowly, lots of conversation. Study the French Paradox. It’s not a race to see who can eat the most food or the fastest. University research proves that eating quickly reduces food digestion and utilization, increases symptoms of indigestion and packs on the weight (bodyfat).

Use a knife and fork, cut your food, put the utensils down between mouthfuls and stretch it out. Pretend this is the last time you will ever see your family or friends. If that were true, would you cram down your food? Eat to live.

Bon Appetite!...TKH & Dr.C
