Dr. Elson Haas: Integrative Medicine, Detoxification & Staying Healthy

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Elson M. Haas, MD is a medical practitioner with more than 35 years experience in patient care, always with an interest in natural medicine. For the past 30 years, Dr. Haas has been instrumental in the development and practice of Integrated Medicine at a clinic that he began in 1984 and directs, called Preventive Medical Center of Marin in San Rafael, CA.

At this multidisciplinary center with a range of experienced practitioners, patients can receive the quality of cooperative care that looks at causes and natural remedies as much as possible.

Dr. Haas is an education partner and Professor of Holistic Nutrition Practice at Clayton College of Natural Health. In this role, he works with Clayton's faculty and contributes to the creation of curricula as well as interacts with students through conference calls and online chats. Dr. Haas is also a popular author of seven books in the areas of Health, Nutrition, and Detoxification, including Staying Healthy with the Seasons, The New Detox Diet, Staying Healthy with Nutrition, The False Fat Diet, The Staying Healthy Shopper's Guide, Vitamins for Dummies and A Cookbook for all Seasons.

