Anthony Almada: The Facts, Faith and Fallacy of Sports Nutrition

V9N6c - Guest
Anthony L. Almada has worked in the natural products industry since 1975. He performed his undergraduate training in Physiology with a minor in Nutritional biochemistry at the University of California, Irvine and California State University, Long Beach. He obtained his Masters degree in Nutritional Sciences at UC Berkeley, completing a research thesis in antioxidant and exercise biochemistry.

Karen McCoy: Health & Fitness Advice for Women

V9N5c - Guest
Karen McCoy CSNA Master is a Personal Trainer, Can-Fit-Pro Nutrition and Wellness Specialist and Certified Bosu Instructor. Karen has sweated it out in gyms for over 25 years, winning bodybuilding contests in both BC and Alberta, including the Alberta Provincial Championships in 1992.

Danny Dreyer: ChiRunning

V9N4c - Guest
Danny Dreyer is the creator of ChiRunning and ChiWalking, revolutionary forms of moving that blend the subtle inner focuses of T'ai Chi with running and walking. Danny's work is based on his study of T'ai Chi with Master Zhu Xilin and internationally renowned Master George Xu, and his 35 years of experience, running, racing ultra marathons and coaching people in intelligent movement.

Dustin Dillberg: Real Genuine Integrative Health Care

V9N3c - Guest
Dustin T. Dillberg, L.Ac, PAS, AET is a graduate of Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, Egoscue University and Pettibon Spinal Technologies. His experience includes work at Children's Hospital in San Diego, San Diego Hospice and working with the team at Egoscue Clinic in San Diego.

Chad Benson: Passion, Diligence and Practice

V9N3c -Guest
Chad Benson is the President and Owner of ARC Performance Training Systems located in Surrey British Columbia. Chad received his formal education at the University of Victoria and Memorial University of Newfoundland.

Sally Fallon: The Westin A. Price Foundation

V9N2c - Guest
Sally Fallon Morell is founding president of The Weston A. Price Foundation, a non-profit nutrition education foundation with over 400 local chapters worldwide helping consumers find local grass-based animal products. Sally is also the founder of A Campaign for Real Milk, which has as its goal universal access to clean raw milk from pasture-fed animals.


V8N12a - Topics
Apitherapy Describes The Application and Self-Treatment Of Products From The Beehive
Pollen, Beebread, Honey, Royal Jelly, Propolis, Bee Venom, Bee Brood & Beeswax
Bee Venom Therapy Is Useful In Arthritis, Bursitis and Tendinitis
The Origins of Apitherapy Can Be Traced Back To Ancient Egypt, Greece and China


V8N11a - Topics
eTraining Is A Highly Integrated and Truly Holistic Health Program
eTraining is All About Accountability, Consistent Training & Making Progress
eTraining Emphasizes Whole Food Nutrition and the Control of Human Emotion
Emotion and Nutrition Are Absolutely Interrelated & Linked To One Other

When Good Just Ain't Good Enough!

V8N10a - Topics
Nature Doesn't Care If You're "Nice"
Nature is a Dictator! Follow the Rules or Suffer!
Nature Doesn't Care How Much Money You Make!
Nature Honors Everyone Who Puts in the Time & Energy

The Necessity of Education

V8N9a - Topics
Eating Well Is A Question Of Desire and Know How
Education In the Health Food & Fitness Industry Is Not Enforced
Public School Does Not Teach Children About The Science Of Nutrition or Exercise
The Natural Health Food Industry Will Never Prosper Until Education Is Mandatory


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