Number 12

Muscle: Energy for Contraction and Fiber Types

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Muscular Contraction Depends Chiefly on ATP for Fuel & Energy
Muscle pH Decreases as Lactic Acid Increases
Muscle Fibers are Generally Classified According to Twitch-Speed & Color
Strenuous Exercise Causes Filament Micro-Trauma & Cell Damage

Discipline For Teenagers: Too Soft or Too Hard?

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What’s Cookin? Roasted Garlic
Hot Topic: Discipline for Teenagers. Too Soft or Too Hard?

Feet First: Working from the Ground Up

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What’s Cookin? PPP [Pre-Party Potion]
Hot Topic: Feet First. Working From the Ground Up

Breast Cancer: A Rising Epidemic

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What’s Cookin? Freshly Squeezed Juices
Hot Topic: Breast Cancer Epidemic

The Athletes Cookbook: Cooking with Whole Foods

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What's Cooking? The Athlete’s Cookbook
Hot Topic: Making Your Own Food

Kevin Paluch: Golf Tips from a PGA Pro

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Kevin Paluch is a graduate of San Diego State University, where he played collegiate golf and coached the men's golf team. He has been a PGA Golf Professional for 25+ years holding some of the most prestigious club professional positions in the United States.

Andre Potvin MSc BPE - Putting The Personal In Personal Training

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Andre Potvin has 20 years of leadership experience with 11 years specializing in exercise and cardiac rehabilitation. Andre acquired his Master of Science degree at UBC and instructed in the UBC School of Human Kinetics for 4 years.

Dr. Michael Horowitz: Principals of Chiropractic Medicine

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Dr. Horowitz graduated from the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College in Toronto. His undergraduate studies in Biology & Kinesiology at York University emphasized Fitness Assessment & Exercise Counseling. After practicing in Ontario he relocated to Vancouver BC where he worked with Bio-Med & SISU Enterprises specializing in natural health products and sports nutrition.

Nick Ugoalah - Home Grown Championship Wrestling

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Competing at the recent Commonwealth Games in Manchester, Nick dominated his division and took the Gold Medal. He is a 3-time Canadian Interuniversity Athletic Union National Champion wrestler, attending Brock University where he earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Biology.


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