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Thomas Ehle CSNA
"My Mission is to inspire, educate and motivate people of all ages, genders, races and cultural backgrounds to reach their highest level of health, fitness and well-being in body and mind. I aim to do so by being a strong example myself and providing information products, coaching and training on exercise, eating right and thinking right."
Bangkok Thailand
George Tausan CSNA
"A Large percentage of the population has a fitness goal, an ideal self-image they wish to attain, however, few understand in order to do so nutrition needs to be the focus not training alone. So seldom is whole non-denatured unprocessed foods taken into consideration to enhance training progress"
Burnaby BC
Nicholas McKnight CSNA
"Exercise is not seen at all as something that is necessary for health. Everyone knows it but how many people should be acting upon it? Through information and explanation of healthy life choices with nutrition and exercise we reach people. Its an educational issue as much as anything else."
North Vancouver, BC
Kyle McCormick CSNA Master
"Unique Fitness / Root 310 are dedicated to providing you with the best holistic health, wellness, fitness and performance products, information, services, and programs available through our Holistic Wellness Guideline Pyramid and Root 310 offerings to maximize your opportunity to achieve your wellness goals."
Ogallala Nebraska
Wayne Pedranti CSNA Master
"My CSNA Masters assignment helped me to organize and write 'Physiological Effects of Adaptogenic Herbs on Health, Stress, and Athletic Performance', which explores modern and traditional usage of several of the most popular adaptogens as they apply to health, stress, and athletic performance."
Canyon Lake Texas
Kevin S. Paluch CSNA Master
"As the author of Par For Life I can say that the Cory Holly Institute gave me the education of a lifetime. His Certified Sports Nutrition Advisor program and monthly audio SNU program are a must for those interested in sports nutrition and athletic development"
Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Marilyn Klassen CSNA
"Taking this program online has fueled my desire to keep learning, and become more knowledgeable about optimal health, and in the same breath it has humbled me, has made me feel vulnerable but has given me the strong desire to invest in my self and share my knowledge as I keep learning while aging. I want to share my knowledge to those who want to invest in their own health and longevity."
Courtenay BC